Ok - so I'm filtering resources here and there and now it's come to my
attention that there are places where there is some duplication.
Is there a way to share properties across multiple modules?  If so where
do you store this?
Through tons of testing, I've found this:
- properties defined in the parent's pom override everything else when
the build is run from the parent poms level
- properties defined in the parent's pom are unavailable when run from
the actual modules working directory
- settings in filter.properties override anything in profiles.xml
- settings in profiles.xml are available to be expanded within the
pom.xml file (settings in filter.properties are not)
Note that some will be building at the parent pom level for things, some
will be running from the module level.
For example - the automated build will be running from the top level to
do the "mvn install", then from the module level for one module to do
the "mvn assembly:assembly".  The other argument would be I only want to
build ONE module, how can this one module use these shared properties?
How do you do this?

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