actually it can (the m1 idea plugin actually did this).

On 6/18/06, Trygve Laugstøl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, 2006-06-17 at 18:09 +0200, Sebastien Arbogast wrote:
> I don't know exactly where you guys are on this initiative, but I can
> tell you that I'm waiting for it.
> As a matter of fact, there is one feature that I'd like to see:
> project goal shortcuts.
> When working with maven one, I could combine a sequence of goals into
> one by simply adding a custom goal to the maven.xml file. Now this is
> not possible anymore and I'd like to be able to run complex Maven 2
> goals with options and so on by simply pressing a button or
> double-clicking an item in my favourite IDE. And why not adding the
> possibility to elaborate these shortcuts via a GUI form?
> As of now, I'm using External tools to do that but it's very poor and
> it's IDE-level whereas a project-level setting would be more
> appropriate.
> What do you think ?

Good idea, I'll keep that in mind. I'm not sure if a plugin can add
shortcuts run-time, but popping up a dialog where you can (based on a
keypress) select a goal/phase set should be easy.


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     Arik Kfir                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     Linux user, number 415067 -

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