ArneD a écrit :
Thank you, Wim!

Wim Deblauwe wrote:
1) This is the way that ClearCase works, there is nothing I know we can do
about it.

Maybe something could be changed in Continuum and the POM schema, so that
the POM location relative to the SCM checkout directory could be specified
within the POM.

2) I guess the workaround here would be to add the submodules
You can remove the view that was created via cleartool or from the
home base.

I found another workaround by building the super-module recursively: Delete
all sub-modules. Change the super module definition and remove the
"--non-recursive" option from the build targets.

By the way, do you know has anybody planned to implement the "checkout by
tag" functionality for ClearCase, so that the Maven release plugin can be

you can perhaps help Wim and us if you can provide this feature in maven-scm.

And, at last, one suggestion. I believe the ClearCase integration would be
even better, if the SCM url would contain all necessary information (like
with CVS, SVN, ...). To define the config spec as an external file adds
unnecessary complexity for the users. Anyway, thank you and all Maven /
Continuum developers! You've done a great job. But for a broad acceptance of
Maven, I believe, a simplification of some issues would be helpful.

All proposals are welcome.

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