Dhananjay Nene wrote:
Although the question wasn't addressed to me, I have run into some problems (hence the question in the first place) so just adding my 2c.

If the super pom modeled as a top level module (ie. each project declares it as a parent), I get into a lot of issues when using the release plugin for the individuaal projects (You can just try it out to see what I mean). One of the issues I also get into is that the cvs repository needs to be structured with the superpom module at the top and each of the projects as a sub directory in the cvs module representing the super pom which is not exactly the most convenient mechanism for conducting version control across multiple independent projects.

You don't need to have your super-pom in cvs. Use a versioning number scheme for the pom like this 1, 2, 3.. i.e. incremental numbers. Install each new version of the pom into your company Maven repository. That way you have copies of the released versions of your super-pom in your Maven repo.


Dennis Lundberg

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