Jason van Zyl wrote:

If anyone belongs to a JUG in Europe I will be in the area from June 19th to July 14th. So far it looks like there will be presentations in London, Dublin, Torino, Oslo and Paris. If you belong to a JUG and would like a presentation on Maven I'd be happy to oblige :-) Just contact me privately to set something up.

Jason van Zyl

Hi Jason

As the founder and organiser of the Java Web User Group UK I wish to
formally and publicly invite you to speak to our group in London.

Would you be available for Thursday, July 6th 2006 for 7pm - 9pm?

Please let me know here or send an email directly peterp(at)xenonique.co.uk.

Thanks very much in advance



Peter Pilgrim  ( Windows XP / Thunderbird 1.5 )

_________                         ___________________  + Expert Java
______  /_____ ___   _______ _    ___  ____/__  ____/  + Enterprise
___ _  /_  __ `/_ | / /  __ `/    __  __/  __  __/     + Design
/ /_/ / / /_/ /__ |/ // /_/ /     _  /___  _  /___     + Architecture
\____/  \__,_/ _____/ \__,_/      /_____/  /_____/     + Web New Age

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