sorry... you have to get it from ejb3-embeddable  alpha6 ...
go to www.jboss.org,  and look for EJB3 Download
you should look  for EJB3.0 RC6 PFD

now they are at version 8....  i'll try asap to see if my simple sample
i will if necessary update zip


On 6/27/06, Srepfler Srgjan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Marco,
I want to try your example but where can we find the files
ehcache-alpha6.jar, hibernate-all-alpha6.jar, jboss-ejb3-all-alpha6.jar
and thirdparty-all-alpha6.jar ? The latest jboss microcontainer release
is 1.0.2 and it doesn't contain these libs (actually, is this the
project we're supposed to download?)
Thanks and I hope this will become an archetype!


W Totti!!!

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