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Naresh Bhatia schrieb:
I have a maven project with packaging set to ejb. I would like to test
this project outside an ejb container by simply calling POJO classes
inside it. I have written a very simple test using TestNG:

public class UserServiceTest {


    public void testGetAllUsers() {




However, when Maven runs it says running UserServiceTest, but does not
run the single test inside it. Here's the output:

Running org.andromda.timetracker.service.UserServiceTest

Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.07 sec

1)       Why is Maven skipping my test?

Have you specified a testng.xml in you plugin configuration. There seems to be a bug in surefire that lets it doesn't pick up the annotated tests (see [1]). The workaround until the bug is fixed is to create a testng.xml and specify your tests/suites in there. Here's a sample plugin configuration:


2)       What is the test supposed to run on: classes in the "classes"
directory or the packaged jar. I suspect it is the former, because it
seems that the packaging is done after the tests are run. If this is
indeed true then, it should really not matter that I am trying to test a
project that will be packaged as an ejb. Correct?

The directories target/classes and target/test-classes are added to the 



Hope this helps

[1] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSUREFIRE-117

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