We are pleased to announce the Maven Console Plugin 1.2 release! 



Changes in this version include:

  New Features:

o New property maven.console.completor.goals. Fixes MPCONSOLE-6. 
o Add tab completion and history functionality using the jline library. 
o Add way to display a property value 


o Upgrade to commons-jelly-tags-interaction-1.1. 
o Split property setting into a separate goal console:set-properties to allow 
  annotation of the properties Fixes MPCONSOLE-10. 
o Improve help 

  Removed features:

o Removed the list command as it hasn't worked as expected since the early 
  betas (goals are lazy loaded into the werkz project)  


To automatically install the plugin, type the following on a single line:

maven plugin:download

For a manual installation, you can download the plugin here:

Have fun!
-The Maven Console Plugin development team

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