Can anyone point me to any documentation on the maven-it-plugin?

I expect I've missed something but
- I can't find the plugin documentation at
- there is very little in the mail archives about it
- googling hasn't really helped find the scm for the plugin either...

From my fiddling it appears that you create a directory src/it/
and inside that directory create a new directory for each integration
test you want to perform.
The integration test kicks off the pom.xml file in this directory.

My question is: how do you then test the results of the maven build that is run?
Creating src/it/<test>/src/test/java/<junitTest> means that the test
file is run during the integration build, not afterwards

I want to run the maven-jar-plugin and verify that the contents of the
built jar.
Any suggestions on was to do this would be appreciated.

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