try turning on the remote debugging capability of your sevlet
container's jvm by adding the
   following argument on the java command line :

    -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE

   the jvm would block when passing these arguments, waiting for a
remote debugger to connect.
   in your eclipse, choose Run->Debug then select Remote Java
Application. click on the new button below
   while the Remote Java Application is selected. change the port to
8030 and on the common tab select the
   radio button under the display in favorite menu -> debug. the
projects debugging icon will now be displayed
   under the debug icon. make sure the project that you want to debug is
selected while you are doing this.

   if the deployed webapp is in sync with your webapp source then
stepping function would sync with the

   the maven user list is not the best place to ask this. =) but here it
is anyway..hope this helps.

pete marvin

christophe blin wrote:
> Hi, the nicely documented stuff (that I already read BTW) talks about
> jetty and does not mention debugging...
> My concern is to run the war under tomcat and/or jboss with the
> associated plugins in Eclipse in order to benefit from the debug
> perspective.
> Maybe there is a solution to do this with jetty ?
> If so, could you please provide any hints in order to switch my dev to
> jetty.
> Regards,
> chris
> Geoffrey De Smet a écrit :
>> Download and read the free m2 book from :)
>> It has all stuff nicely documented
>> christophe blin wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My first question is where do I put java source files in a webapp (i.e
>>> archetype = war) ?
>>> Should I create a directory src/main/java ?
>>> Or maybe I should create another module to hold the java sources ?
>>> Then, a small question but maybe difficult to answer : how can I
>>> integrate maven into eclipse for a webapp ?
>>> I find this good article [1] but it seems to be maven1 only as I do not
>>> manage to have correct dependencies when deploying into tomcat.
>>> Also, maybe someone has osme experience with the tomcat plugin (I'd
>>> prefer to avoid it since the j2ee plugin supports more platforms)?
>>> Thanks for any help,
>>> chris
>>> [1]

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