On 7/6/06, Mark Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't think this is working as expected.

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
> The internal continuum repo (that can be configured in the configuration
> screen) is independant of local/remote maven repository. Continuum copy
> artifacts in it (even without deploy goal) when the build is in success
> and maven copy artifacts in local repo with install goal and in the
> remote repo with deploy goal.
> You can use this internal repo if you want to use snapshots built by
> continuum.

I didn't even notice this repository option.

Why would you use it?

I just changed my continuum goals to be "clean deploy" and to get
continuum to deploy my snapshots to the internal snapshot repository,
exactly like if a developer were to run "mvn clean deploy".  It's all
goodness and I have no problems.

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