Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I think that attached tests are not meant to contain tests that will
be run in another projects but test elements that are useful for reuse
in other (sub)projects. For example, your can have artefactA that have
some tests using some resources and artefactB runnning some tests
using same resources. 
Or you have support classes (eg. dedicated Constraint/STub for jmock)
that are reused.
Surefire does not, an in my opinion should not scan a project's test
dependencies for Test classes to run. The maven way (TM)  is to create
another project for your (integrations ?) tests if you need as modules
creation and management is cheap.
Hope that helps.

OQube < software engineering \ génie logiciel >
Arnaud Bailly, Dr.

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