On Tue, 2006-07-11 at 09:04 +0200, Markus Wolf wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> >    <repository>
> >      <snapshots>
> >        <enabled>false</enabled>
> >      </snapshots>
> >      <id>java-net</id>
> >      <name>java.net repository</name>
> >      <!-- NOTE: this URL must be HTTPS.  However, unfortunately this
> >           doesn't work behind a firewall.  See:
> >         http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/WAGONHTTP-6
> >           ... for the source of that problem.  Users behind firewalls
> >           will have to manually download the files from this repository
> >           and transfer them to their local repository.
> >      -->
> >      <url>https://maven-repository.dev.java.net/nonav/repository/</url>
> >      <layout>legacy</layout>
> >    </repository>
> > 
> This repository and the javax.persistence groupId are great. Thanks for
> this.
> But I'm missing some more API's from JavaEE (like @Remote or @Stateless,
>  ...). Is there anything available? I know Sun releases a javaee.jar
> package with SAS and Glashfish containing all JavaEE APIs in one, but
> there is no maven repository for it.

I made a small example app for Seam/EJB3, you may download it here:
<http://vyzivus.host.sk/maven2-seam.html>. The dependencies are not
perfect but I hope it helps.

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