
I'm trying to use a snapshot version of maven-scm-provider-perforce for reporting.  I believe it fixes a bug with perforce changelist support.

PerforceChangeLogCommand.java (line 101) uses the correct command (which works from a dos prompt)

        command.createArgument().setValue( "..." );

However the maven output shows the following

[INFO] SCM Command Line[0]: p4                                      
[INFO] SCM Command Line[1]: filelog                                 
[INFO] SCM Command Line[2]: -tl                                     
[INFO] SCM Command Line[3]: //depot/project_branch

I've added the snapshot repository.  And even tried specifying the maven-scm version explicitly.  However it still loads the perforce provider version 1.0-alpha-2

       <name>Maven Snapshot Plugins Development Repository</name>
       <url> http://people.apache.org/maven-snapshot-repository/</url>


Any help much appreciated.

Yuri Schimke

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