
I've had some limited success with the exec-maven plugin.
If you only need to launch a java app with maven and can specify all
configs in your pom, then it works great. However, if you thought that
you could specify some args on command line (such as -Dexec.args) then
there are some bugs with parsing and assignment of command-line args.

nevertheless, it works great, and here's an example of launching your
own app from within Maven. Place this in the <plugins> section in the
<builds> in your POM:
<!-- plugin crashes when there are no
values here -->

On 7/14/06, Andrius Šabanas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fred wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to launch an application with maven 2.x ?
> I mean is there any goal that allows users to launch an application with mvn
> command line ? (ex. "mvn run" runs the main class of the project).
> If not, does it exist a way to do it (with some plugin or whatever) ?
> Thanks for your support,
> Fred.


Try exec-maven-plugin, hosted at Codehaus Mojo project. See



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