I believe that assembly plugin could be used.
Also could run ant targets

-----Original Message-----
From: AK [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 July 2006 07:58
To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Re: how to copy resources while building war

I have config files stored inside modules, because these files are used
to configure these modules. These configs are not used by the modules
themselves (and are not packed inside jars), just by the their clients.
If I have another web app or client app, I'll have to make these config
available for this app too, that's why I don't want to store configs
inside web app module. I need a way to copy the configs to some place of
client application (now it is web app). The configs are of different
- hivemind descriptors, properties files etc. Now I want them to be
placed in web-inf/classes of web module.
It seems I need somehow to copy them while compile web app phase (i
don't know how, I'm not very skilled with maven :) ) I've recently found
that war plugin can be configured to use external resources(which are
beyond src/main/resources), which can fix my problem.  
But maybe there is another approach, more generic (if I have another
client,not web app) ?

> Hi,
> Why is having your property files inside the jar annoying? You can 
> easily access them, and if they relates only to a single module - 
> which seems to be the cas, since they are stored within each of your 
> modules - it's quite consistent to get them in this module's jar.
> And if configuration doesn't relate to a single module, storing them 
> inside your webapp module would sound more consistent.
> So maybe if you could precise why you want these property files within

> each of your modules, and then stored in your WEB-INF folder, we could

> find another solution...
> Denis.
> AK-8 wrote:
>> Hi, I have a multimodule project, all modules' config properties are 
>> stored within each module's directory. For example, kernel module has
> its
>> props in kernel/config folder.
>> I have a web module, which uses all other modules, and all their 
>> properties must be stored within web-inf folder as this web module 
>> references them. If I make kernel/config a resource folder, config
> will be
>> put inside kernel.jar, and won't be available for web app. So I have
> to
>> copy the configs manually, which is annoying.

.:Regards, AK:.

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