Hello Denis,

It helped: the host is now accessible without having to answer to the question I mentionned. The known_hosts file does the trick, just like you said.

The site:deploy goal works flawlessly.

But when I run release:perform, it gets stuck at site:deploy, at the moment when the plugin is supposed to ask me for my password. When running directly site:deploy, I can enter my password (echoed in clear text, but I think the issue has already been added to JIRA), and then the deployment continues. Here, the command line displays [INFO] [site:deploy] and stops. I cannot enter anything, and the action never stops.

Having the password present or not in the settings file, where the server is declared doesn't change anything.


dcabasson a écrit :

Sebastien Pennec wrote:
Does anybody know how to be able to answer 'yes' to that question? Or just
to get rid of it?

Try adding an empty file ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Latest version of maven-wagon plugin will add the fingerprints of your hosts

As you're using external ssh/scp programs (why not use internal maven ones),
these file might not be used. (I guess putty is storing known_hosts
somewhere in registry).
Well, anyone, try with this file, and try with maven native ssh connection.

Hope it helps.


Sebastien Pennec

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