It turns out there's a bug in the maven cobertura plugin documentation.
You need to wrap your <ignore> and <exclude> lines with <ignores> and
<excludes> respectively:



On Sun, 16 Jul 2006 05:01:51 -0700, Adam Hardy wrote:

I want to refine my use of cobertura to exclude the test classes and
some other 
stuff, but I get this error:

[INFO] Failed to configure plugin parameters for: 

on the command line, specify: '-Dinstrumentation=VALUE'

Cause: Cannot find setter nor field in 
org.codehaus.mojo.cobertura.configuration.ConfigInstrumentation for 'ignore'

What should 'VALUE' be? Similarly, mvn doesn't like 'exclude'. I'm not
finding an answer on google / maven / codehaus / cobertura websites.
This is the config in my POM - adapted from the docs on Can
anyone see the problem? 


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