Just tried cobetura plugin but it's giving me 0% coverage:

mvn cobertura:cobertura had some hickups on my aspects (NPEs).

The tests all run and pass (there would be failures if the aspects
weren't in effect), but the output report is all 0% coverage.

On 7/26/06, Raphaël Piéroni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

2006/7/26, Howard Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Does anyone know how to generate a code coverage report when using
> AspectJ in a project?

Sorry, I dunno

The Clover plugin wants to rewrite and recompile the code, which
> probably won't play well with all things aspect.
> Is there a Maven2 plugin for emma or cobetura?

Yep at least for cobertura at mojo.codehaus.org


Howard M. Lewis Ship
TWD Consulting, Inc.
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
Creator, Apache HiveMind

Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
and project work.  http://howardlewisship.com

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