Stefan Magnus Landrø wrote on Friday, July 28, 2006 10:49 AM:

> I believe I found the solution to this issue.
> I placed the following snipplet in the jar-projects that my project
> depend upon, and made sure to use uniqueVersion set to false.
> A fresh deploy of these jar-projects then wrote a
> -SNAPSHOT.jar to the
> company repository (you only get timestamped versions if you use
> uniqueVersion=true(default)) 
>         <distributionManagement>
>                 <snapshotRepository>
>                         <id>internal</id>
>                         <name>Company Repository</name>
>                         <url>file:\\server\repo-local</url>
>                         <uniqueVersion>false</uniqueVersion>
>                 </snapshotRepository>
>         </distributionManagement>
> To bad there is nothing about this in the mergere book

and despite the fact, that this has its own quirks:


- Jörg

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