
in maven 1.0.2, when I install or deploy an artifact, it is put in the
<groupId> directory under <type>s and the artifact is named

Now in maven 1.1, the artifact is named <id> instead of <artifactId>. I was
not using this tag previously I think Mevenide defaults it to
<groupId>:<artifactId> so obviously it causes problems because it is not
named as before and it is not deployed at all (I think the colon is not
supported in the file name).

On the web site it says this:
id  The short name of the project. This value is used when naming
files <http://maven.apache.org/maven-1.x/plugins/dist/index.html>.
groupId The short name of the project group. This value is used to
group all jars
for a project in one directory. For more info look at the user
 artifactId  The short name of the project. This value is used in
conjunction with groupId when naming
files <http://maven.apache.org/maven-1.x/plugins/dist/index.html>.

I don't mind updating all my project files, I just want to make sure it is
the expected behaviour from now on before I do it?


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