On Monday, July 31, 2006 17:24, Jan Galinski wrote:
> Hi,
> on a server, I want to use mvn (2.0.4) to manage a central jar repository.
> Even non maven applications should benifit from this, beacause there
> will be be on common repository from where to link commons, db-drivers
> etc. Its not going to be a real mirror, merely an "on demand" storage
> folder.
> So my question is:  How can I (using the mvn cli) just download and
> store a jar from the central repo to my local repo without creating a
> fake project and a pom?
> <pseudo>
> mvn download  -package=mysql -file=driver -version=3.10
> </pseudo>
> Seems to be rather simple, but its hard to search for (maven,
> download, jar, repository ... gives me anything but an answer to my
> problem).
> Any hint, sytnax, cli-line appreciated
> thanks
> Jan

This seems like something the repository manager would do. Check it out 



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