HI, I'm attempting to use embedded jetty 6.0 and maven 2.0. Unfortunately
jetty has an issue where it requires a copy of tools.jar on the classpath,
in order to compile jsp's. Compiling jsp's is what I want to do. I have been
attempting to mangle maven's classpaths (very wrong, I know) with code like:

                   <path id="maven.test.classpath">
                     <pathelement location="${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar"/>

but it hasn't worked. I think maybe because the modified classpath isn't
permanent and is just modified for the phase it is in, and not the test
phase where I need it.

Does anybody know if this is the case and how I can fix it?

I though maybe I could compile the jsp's to _jsp.java files in the pre-test
phase, but I wasn't sure about how to go about this.

Also has anybody got jetty working with maven 2? And has any body got the
jetty maven plugin working in the pre-test phase to test their web
applications with? I would really like to know, cos that would provide a
different solution to my problem.

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