as Admin

     Continuum>General Configuration > Base URL

John Smart wrote:
I've been trying to configure Jabber notification in Continuum 1.0.3. The notification works, but the message contains a reference to 'localhost', which is obviously not of much use to a developer on another machine: [2:46 PM] continuum: BUILD FAILURE: Library Symbols Domain model API http://localhost:8080/continuum/servlet/continuum/target/ProjectBuild.vm/view/ProjectBuild/id/3/buildId/68 I assume this can be configured somewhere, but even after studying the source code, I can't for the life of me work out where! Any clues? Thanks in advance, John Smart. John Smart
Business Consultant
Digital Solutions - Digital Innovation Services
National Library of New Zealand
Landline +64 4 474 3000 ext 8675

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