I tried playing with the java XML-RPC client for continuum, and had a couple 

- For a given project, I would like to query the state of the most recent build 
for each build definition. Is this possible? 
- For a given project, what is contained in the list returned by 
project.getBuildResults() ? I always seem to get an empty list returned.
- For the ProjectsReader, is the only way to get refreshProject() to work by 
giving it a project with its ID set? Or are there other members that could be 
set instead? I tried setting group/artifactId, which I figured would be unique, 
but I got a NPE instead.
- Are javadocs published online anywhere for the XML-RPC client, let alone the 
rest of continuum? I had trouble finding them.

The reason I'm interested in this is because if you have a project with 
multiple build definitions, continuum doesn't handle the notifications too 
well. If one definition constantly results in a successful build, and the other 
in a failed/error build, you will continously get notifications of "build 
success" and "build failure" since the build state is constantly switching. It 
would be nice to be able to group a number of build definitions together as a 
'single build' for the purpose of build state. Until that's possible, I was 
hoping to grab the right information and come to the proper conclusion using 
the xml-rpc client if possible.


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