I have a typical multi-module project, with a parent pom and a handful
of child poms inheriting from the parent.

The parent pom contains the version, which is inherited to the child
poms, which affect all generated child artifacts. So far so good.

However, the parent pom is referred by version from each child pom,
which causes a slight maintenance problem when it's time to change the
version number. 

Parent POM

Child POMs

I have to update the version number in the parent pom, as well as all
references to the parent in each child pom. Clearly, this is clumsy.

AFAIK the version number of the parent must be present in the child pom.

So, what are the best practices for this problem?

I'm working mostly off-line, so the release plug-in (using a SNAPSHOT
version) is not appropriate in my case.

Many thanks in advance for any tips,

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