1. How would I go about making a modification to the release plugin so
that it would ask me for the version of the parent POM to use in the
release build and the version to set for the parent POM for the next
snapshot build?  We have a master POM file that we use as a base for all
our projects that I always build first and it is annoying to modify the
POM to reference the new released parent POM version before I do the
release and afterwards to set the next  

parent POM version.  I would either like to request this as a new
feature or if you could give me a summary of the changes I need to make
to support this, it would be great.


2. How I get the variables, that I pass to the release:prepare and
release:perform goals, passed down to the subsequentbuilds that they
perform?  I have profiles that I want to activate and deactivate on a
release build and the release:prepare test build fails because it is
selecting the wrong profiles.

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