Thanks for your reply,

No its not dependency problem

coz to test it what i did is i created ant build.xml with 
commons-loggin.jar in the classpath and compiled it it worked fine, no 
here is what is there in my build.xml

    <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${build.dest}" source="1.4"
           debug="on" optimize="off">
        <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>

then i created pom for this and added commons-logging.jar as dependency 
then compiled it

and it fails with the message

[INFO] Compilation failure

C:\views\.../...\[3,0] package org.apache.commons does not exist

and the 3rd line on my imports all commons components as, 

import org.apache.commons.*


08/07/2006 06:18 PM
Please respond to "Maven Users List"
        To:     "Maven Users List" <>
        Subject:        Re: problem with compiler plugin

Sounds like you don't have the dependency specified...   What does
your pom.xml look like, what does your ant script do?  There's not
much info in your message! :)

> Hi All
> i'm having this weired error,
> in my dev team has something  like
>         import org.apache.commons.*
> then when i use ant build file with commons-logging.xml it compiles
> perfectly, but when i use maven to buidl this at compiler phase it 
> error as
>         package org.apache.commons does not exist
> why maven compiler plugin fails, here is there something i'm doing 
> Please advise
> Thanks
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