
 Even if you don't use this snapshot, can you test it to tell us if this
one works also for you.
 We are searching what we changed since this snapshot and the official beta
3 to fix it in the RC1.
 We are trying to produce the RC1 at the end of the month.
 If the returns about it are good, we'll release the final 1.1 in september
(probably in mid-september).
 It's why we need to have as many feedback as possible about this beta 3 to
have less Release Candidates.



On 8/9/06, Steve Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks, I guess I'll stick with 1.0.2 until the next release, hoping
this issue will be fixed. Is there any ETA set for the next 1.1 release


On Wed, 2006-09-08 at 08:23 -0500, Jeff Jensen wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Yes, this is an issue I encountered as well.  I have found that the 6/30
> 1.1-beta3-SNAPSHOT does not have this problem, but every release since
> does.
> See 20060630/ here:
> We are researching the problem to find a fix.
> In the meantime, I suggest the 6/30 snapshot if you would like to use
> It is very solid and the current one we use for our production work
> used nearly every one of those snapshots all along as they were
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Molloy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 7:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: Maven 1.1-beta3 & maven-artifact-plugin 1.8
> Hi,
>       I just upgraded from maven 1.0.2 to 1.1-beta3, and got the
> maven-artifact-plugin 1.8 along with it. But Now I can't deploy any
> artifacts because scp refuses my host key, while scpexe just doesn't do
> anything at all, but doesn't complain...
>       So, I've reverted back to 1.0.2 for now, but are there any plans
> fixing these problems? (I'm running maven on JDK 1.5.0_07, on Fedora
> 5).
> Thanks,
> Steve
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