Well... this has been a journey, which appears to have become a deception.
My conclusions after a day trying to figure the reporting (surefire, checkstyle, jdepend, javancss,
cobertua, pmd, jxr, changes, changelog) are:

  * multi-module reporting 'out-of-the-box' isn't behaving properly,
        the module links don't show up, so there is no easy way to
        navigate to these locations - where in fact several reports have
        been generated.

  * trying to overcome this issue by setting a staging area for the site,
        only results in several aggregation reports (javadoc/jxr) not being
        populated correctly.

  * report aggregation for multi-module projects is a pain in the ...
        various reports use different ways, to (try) to set aggregation
        only a few actually manage to succeed. In my opinion report
        aggregation for multi-module projects should work straight away.
Looks like PMD reporting has got the basic idea, in that it searches
        for modules for aggregation are automatically performed - but
        maven's behavior gets in the way.

I'll be continuing my tests for maven 2.0.4, next time for basic building
specifics like; install, package, deploy, release.

If anybody has some more information about the multi module reporting status
and how (soon) things will get better - I would definitely like to know!


Jan Vissers wrote:
I'm evaluating maven 2.0.4 and am wondering what the current 'state' is for multi module reporting. I've read that there are various issues with it. What I like to know is:

* does multi module reporting (aggregation) work for:
        - surefire
        - checkstyle
        - jdepend
        - javancss
        - cobertura
        - pmd
        - jxr
* what are potential issues that I might have when performing reports on multi module projects?


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