I'm trying to build several projects from clearcase, beginning with a simple 
parent pom with no defined modules. 
Here is the pom's scm block as I have it now:


After specifying the maven 2 url to an internal maven proxy and initiating a 
build, I get the following:

273923 [Thread-2] WARN  JPOX.RDBMS.SQL  - Object with id "0" not found !
273987 [Thread-2] INFO  org.apache.maven.continuum.scm.ContinuumScm  - Checking 
out project: 'Clarify Repository Parent Pro
ject', id: '2' to 
282998 [SocketListener0-1] ERROR org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.VelocityComponent 
 - RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. 
screens/ProjectBuild.vm [line 103, column 3]

Does any have any ideas what went wrong?


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 11:25 AM
To: continuum-users@maven.apache.org
Subject: RE: Blame mechanism with SVN

That's more than I get now. I only get a list of files changed:


I'm using 1.0.3....so how do I turn on the other info?

-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Venisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 9:19 AM
To: continuum-users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Re: Blame mechanism with SVN

It isn't really the svn blame mechanism but only the list of changes in the 
build result screen with (author, date, modified files and commit comments)


Brian E. Fox a écrit :
> Actually, I mean turn on the svn blame output in continuum. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Binil Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 1:57 AM
> To: continuum-users@maven.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Blame mechanism with SVN
> Brian,
> I assume that you meant the logs when you asked "How do you turn this on?".
> I do not remember doing anything special for turning on the logs. I think 
> they are configured in the 
> $CONTINUUM_HOME/apps/continuum/conf/application.xml file - look for the 
> component 'Logger manager'. For my installation, this component is configured 
> as:
>    <!--
>      | Logger manager
>      -->
>     <component>
>       <role>org.codehaus.plexus.logging.LoggerManager</role>
> <implementation>org.codehaus.plexus.logging.log4j.Log4JLoggerManager</implementation>
>       <lifecycle-handler>basic</lifecycle-handler>
>       <configuration>
>         <threshold>DEBUG</threshold>
>         <default-appender>console,rolling</default-appender>
>         <appenders>
>           <appender>
>             <id>console</id>
>             <threshold>DEBUG</threshold>
>             <type>org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender</type>
>             <conversion-pattern>%d [%t] %-5p %-30c{1} - 
> %m%n</conversion-pattern>
>           </appender>
>           <appender>
>             <id>rolling</id>
>             <threshold>DEBUG</threshold>
>             <type>org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender</type>
>             <conversion-pattern>%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - 
> %m%n</conversion-pattern>
>             <properties>
>               <property>
>                 <name>file</name>
>                 <value>${plexus.home}/logs/continuum.log</value>
>               </property>
>               <property>
>                 <name>append</name>
>                 <value>true</value>
>               </property>
>               <property>
>                 <name>maxBackupIndex</name>
>                 <value>10</value>
>               </property>
>               <property>
>                 <name>maxFileSize</name>
>                 <value>10MB</value>
>               </property>
>             </properties>
>           </appender>
>         </appenders>
>         <levels>
>           <level>
> <hierarchy>org.apache.maven.continuum.execution.maven.m2.MavenBuilderHelper</hierarchy>
>             <level>INFO</level>
>           </level>
>           <level>
>             <hierarchy>org.codehaus.plexus.velocity</hierarchy>
>             <level>WARN</level>
>           </level>
>           <level>
>             <hierarchy>org.codehaus.plexus.mailsender.MailSender</hierarchy>
>             <level>INFO</level>
>           </level>
>           <level>
>             <hierarchy>JPOX</hierarchy>
>             <level>INFO</level>
>           </level>
>           <level>
>             <hierarchy>JPOX.Cache</hierarchy>
>             <level>WARN</level>
>           </level>
>         </levels>
>       </configuration>
>     </component>
> I don't remeber touching these configurations.
> Also, in my installation, Contiuum logs to 
> %CONTIUUM_HOME/apps/continuum/logs/contiuum.log. It also logs to 
> %CONTIUUM_HOME%/logs/wrapper.log, although I do not know where this is 
> configured at.
> Thanks,
> Binil
> On 8/18/06, Brian E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How do you turn this on? I'm also using 1.0.3 and svn but haven't seen this 
>> option anywhere.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Binil Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 9:57 AM
>> To: continuum-users@maven.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Blame mechanism with SVN
>> Emmanuel,
>> I looked through the logs and found the svn command which Continuum issues 
>> to get the logs. When I run that command on the CI server machine, I do get 
>> proper log information.
>> Here is what I get:
>>> svn --non-interactive log -v -r "{2006-08-07 13:37:58 +0000}:HEAD"
>>> http://my.svn.server/myproject/trunk/myapp
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -
>> --
>> r174 | one.developer | 2006-08-08 12:24:02 +0530 (Tue, 08 Aug 2006) | 1 line 
>> Changed paths:
>>    D /myproject/trunk/myapp/src/test/java/apackage
>> [snipped ...]
>>    D /myproject/trunk/myapp/src/test/java/mypackage/an.xml
>> One line of comment.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -
>> -- r180 | one.developer | 2006-08-11 11:08:35 +0530 (Fri, 11 Aug 
>> 2006)
>> | 4 lines Changed paths:
>>    M /myproject/trunk/myapp/.classpath [snipped ...]
>>    D /myproject/trunk/myapp/src/test/java/mypackage/ATest.java
>> A comment here.
>> Another comment here.
>> Yet another comment here.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -
>> --
>> Here is a snippet of log that might be useful.
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:09 | 2006-08-11 18:53:09,587
>> [Thread-2] INFO  ContinuumScm                   - Updating project:
>> id: '22', name 'myapp'.
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:09 | 2006-08-11 18:53:09,602
>> [Thread-2] INFO  ScmManager                     - Executing: svn
>> --non-interactive update
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:09 | 2006-08-11 18:53:09,602
>> [Thread-2] INFO  ScmManager                     - Working directory:
>> D:\softwares\continuum-1.0.3\bin\win32\..\..\apps\continuum\working-directory\22
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:15 | 2006-08-11 18:53:15,103
>> [Thread-31] DEBUG ScmManager                     - U
>> src\test\java\my\package\File1.java
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:15 | 2006-08-11 18:53:15,103
>> [Thread-31] DEBUG ScmManager                     - D
>> src\test\java\my\package\File2.java
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:15 | 2006-08-11 18:53:15,103
>> [Thread-31] DEBUG ScmManager                     - Skipping non-file:
>> src\test\my\package\File3.java
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:15 | 2006-08-11 18:53:15,103
>> [Thread-31] DEBUG ScmManager                     - D
>> src\main\java\my\package\File4.java
>> [snipped ...]
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:15 | 2006-08-11 18:53:15,212
>> [Thread-31] DEBUG ScmManager                     - U
>> src\main\webapp\file5.jsp
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:15 | 2006-08-11 18:53:15,212
>> [Thread-31] DEBUG ScmManager                     - Updated to revision
>> 184.
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:15 | 2006-08-11 18:53:15,228
>> [Thread-2] INFO  ScmManager                     - Executing: svn
>> --non-interactive log -v -r "{2006-08-08 07:55:05 +0000}:HEAD"
>> http://my.svn.server/myproject/trunk/myapp
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:15 | 2006-08-11 18:53:15,228
>> [Thread-2] INFO  ScmManager                     - Working directory:
>> D:\softwares\continuum-1.0.3\bin\win32\..\..\apps\continuum\working-directory\22
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:15 | 2006-08-11 18:53:15,493
>> [Thread-2] INFO  ContinuumScm                   - Updated 14 files.
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:15 | 2006-08-11 18:53:15,556
>> [Thread-2] INFO  Action:update-project-from-working-directory - Updating 
>> project 'myapp' from checkout.
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:24 | 2006-08-11 18:53:17,978
>> [Thread-2] INFO  ShellCommandHelper             - Executing:
>> D:\softwares\maven-2.0.4\bin\mvn --batch-mode --non-recursive clean install 
>> deploy
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:53:24 | 2006-08-11 18:53:17,978
>> [Thread-2] INFO  ShellCommandHelper             - Working directory:
>> D:\softwares\continuum-1.0.3\bin\win32\..\..\apps\continuum\working-directory\22
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:54:01 | 2006-08-11 18:54:01,825
>> [Thread-2] INFO  ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven2  - Exit code: 1
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:54:02 | 2006-08-11 18:54:01,950
>> [Thread-2] ERROR VelocityComponent              - Left side of '>'
>> operation is not a valid type.  It is a class java.lang.Long.
>> Currently only integers (1,2,3...) and Integer type is supported.
>> /org/apache/maven/continuum/notification/mail/templates/maven2/BuildC
>> o
>> mplete.vm
>> [line 25, column 27]
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:54:02 | 2006-08-11 18:54:01,950
>> [Thread-2] INFO  Notifier:mail                  - Sending message:
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:54:02 | 2006-08-11 18:54:01,950
>> [Thread-2] INFO  Notifier:mail                  - Recipient: To
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:54:02 | DEBUG: setDebug: JavaMail
>> version 1.3.2
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:54:02 | DEBUG: getProvider()
>> returning
>> javax.mail.Provider[TRANSPORT,smtp,com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport,Su
>> n
>> Microsystems, Inc]
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:54:02 | DEBUG SMTP: useEhlo true,
>> useAuth false
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:54:02 | DEBUG SMTP: trying to
>> connect to host mailserver.mycompany.com", port 25, isSSL false
>> [snipped ...]
>> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/08/11 18:54:02 | 250 2.6.0
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Queued mail for 
>> delivery
>> The section indicated as [snipped ...] are where I have deleted verbose 
>> information which might not be useful.
>> Thanks,
>> Binil
>> On 8/10/06, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> If it's english, it's ok.
>>> Personnally, I defined the locale to use with LC_MESSAGES env 
>>> property LC_MESSAGES=en_EN
>>> I'm not sure you'll can find something that can help in logs.
>>> The only thing that can help us would be that you run manually the 
>>> svn log command printed in continuum log and send us the output.
>>> Emmanuel
>>> Binil Thomas a écrit :
>>>> Emmanuel,
>>>> I am unsure what language is used by my SVN installation. I looked 
>>>> at the SVN documentation at 
>>>> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn-book.html,
>>>> and there is nothing specific to 'languages'.
>>>> The SVN book mentions that SVN can work with different locales and 
>>>> print all messages in an appropriate language; if that is the info 
>>>> you are looking for, the SVN client on the CI server is printing 
>>>> out english messages only.
>>>> Also, although English is not the native tounge of most of us here 
>>>> at our office, all of us converse in English for official purposes.
>>>> So I would be very surprised if the language is set to anything 
>>>> other than English. :)
>>>> So can you please let me know how to figure out the language used 
>>>> by my SVN installation? Also, should I be looking for some specific
>>>> (error) messages in the Contiuum logs?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Binil
>>>> On 8/8/06, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> What is the language used by your svn? I guess it isn't english, right?
>>>>> Emmanuel
>>>>> Binil Thomas a écrit :
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I am using Continuum 1.0.3, Maven 2.0.4 and SVN. Is there 
>>>>>> anything special I need to do to get the blame mechanism working?
>>>>>> I have seen previous
>>>>> posts
>>>>>> here, and someone did reply that it is fixed in 1.0.3, but I 
>>>>>> still am
>>>>> not
>>>>>> getting it to work.
>>>>>> I am attaching a sample failure email I got. It currently shows 
>>>>>> the
>>>>> files
>>>>>> that are changed, but does not show who changed them.
>>>>>> Kindly help me configure the failure email to show the id which 
>>>>>> changed
>>>>> a
>>>>>> file.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Binil
>>>>>> Online report :
>>>>>> Build statistics:
>>>>>>  State: Failed
>>>>>>  Previous State: Failed
>>>>>>  Started at: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 15:52:38 +0530  Finished at: Mon,
>>>>>> 7 Aug 2006 15:52:59 +0530  Total time: 21s  Build Trigger: 
>>>>>> Forced Exit code: 1  Building machine hostname: 
>>>>>> MY-BUILD-MACHINE Operating system : Windows 2000(Service Pack 4)  Java 
>>>>>> version :
>>>>>> 1.5.0_06(Sun Microsystems Inc.)
>>>>>> Changes
>>>>>> src\main\java\my\package\MyClass.java
>>>>> *****************************************************************
>>>>> **
>>>>> *********
>>>>>> Output:
>>>>> *****************************************************************
>>>>> **
>>>>> *********
>>>>>> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> --
>>>>> ---------
>>>>>> [INFO] Building myproject
>>>>>> [INFO]    task-segment: [clean, install, deploy]
>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> --
>>>>> ---------
>>>>>> [INFO] [clean:clean]
>>>>>> [INFO] Deleting directory D:\softwares\continuum- 
>>>>>> 1.0.3\apps\continuum\working-directory\20\target
>>>>>> [INFO] Deleting directory D:\softwares\continuum- 
>>>>>> 1.0.3\apps\continuum\working-directory\20\target\classes
>>>>>> [INFO] Deleting directory D:\softwares\continuum- 
>>>>>> 1.0.3\apps\continuum\working-directory\20\target\test-classes
>>>>>> [INFO] [cobertura:clean {execution: clean}] [INFO] 
>>>>>> [resources:resources] [INFO] Using default encoding to copy 
>>>>>> filtered resources.
>>>>>> [INFO] [compiler:compile]
>>>>>> Compiling 68 source files to D:\softwares\continuum- 
>>>>>> 1.0.3\apps\continuum\working-directory\20\target\classes
>>>>>> [INFO] [resources:testResources] [INFO] Using default encoding to 
>>>>>> copy filtered resources.
>>>>>> [INFO] [compiler:testCompile]
>>>>>> Compiling 19 source files to D:\softwares\continuum- 
>>>>>> 1.0.3\apps\continuum\working-directory\20\target\test-classes
>>>>>> [INFO] [surefire:test]
>>>>>> [INFO] Surefire report directory: D:\softwares\continuum- 
>>>>>> 1.0.3\apps\continuum\working-directory\20\target\surefire-repor
>>>>>> ts
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> T E S T S
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> [..snipped..]
>>>>>> Results :
>>>>>> Tests run: 61, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0
>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> --
>>>>> -----
>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> --
>>>>> -----
>>>>>> [INFO] There are test failures.
>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> --
>>>>> -----
>>>>>> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch [INFO]
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> --
>>>>> -----
>>>>>> [INFO] Total time: 19 seconds
>>>>>> [INFO] Finished at: Mon Aug 07 15:52:59 IST 2006 [INFO] Final
>>>>>> Memory: 7M/20M [INFO]
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> --
>>>>> -----
>>>>> *****************************************************************
>>>>> **
>>>>> *********

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