i am begining using maven.
i hve use ant and i am trying using maven but i dont know how towork or
beging using maven.
i am reading "better builds with maven" but i cannot begin, i dont work
fine with it.

i have one proyect in java.
the structure of my proyect is this:
into ther rc directory i have the java sources
into the Webcontent i have the web part (jsp, web.xml, tld...)
the output for thi proyect must to be one war file
can anyody helps me to make one pom file, correct file for using ths with
can anybody send me one example for using with my proyect? for using as
demo and with my dcumenttion know how works maven.

other questios:
1.- m pryect uses some lib, jar files. i must to put it into the pom file
.. but must i to put them into some directories?
2.- when i execute my pom file appears this error:
[INFO] the pluging org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-pluging dos
not exist or not valid version could be found.

Why pears this error?
i have nstall the file from the apache site, maven site (2.0.4


please help me with one example


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