Your MavenTrac setup seems fine. The extra "/trac" in the URL must be caused by either your trac setup or your maven setup. The reason I say this is that the URLs are all relative, so it is rather difficult to screw it up - especially as MavenTrac does not rewrite links.

Are the module's sites deployed as children of the parent?

Perhaps a link to your problem site would help.


Valerio Schiavoni wrote:
Hi Andrew,
thanks for the release.
I successfully added the maventrac plugin. the first issue i encounted was
releated to the multi-module nature of my project. Although the parent
project website is correctly shown, links on the modules (those added by
<menu ref="modules" /> on the parent site descriptor) are simply wrong.

In my trac.ini i added the following:
site-path = /var/www/maven-site/myproject/

which points to the deploy directory for the parent project. Links shown
inside maven-trac site look like:

problem is: submodules are not deployed there. what is superflous is the
'trac'. the corrected one should be:

Any quickfix available ?

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