On 8/22/06, Chris Hilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Pardon me asking the obvious, but has the maven nature been added to the

The maven nature is only needed for the Eclipse IDE Maven Plugin which
allows you to invoke maven from within the IDE.

This is completely different from mvn eclipse:eclipse (maven plugin)
which creates the .project and .classpath files needed by eclipse from
the pom.xml information.

You do not need the Eclipse IDE Maven Plugin to make use of maven.
Personally the IDE plugin is too alpha for my use and prefer the command line.
Most developers here so seldom use the command line that the IDE
plugin doesn't offer us much value yet.  The command line is only
needed to run mvn eclipse:eclipse to startup the project and then just
before checkin to verify all the test cases run.  For the rest of the
time you can live inside eclipse and run individual unit tests inside

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