Hi All,

the Proximity is finally got to RC4.

It has three major improvements: aggregated metadata checksum is correctly
calculated, "emergeGroups" that enables proper selective repository
aggregation and WS interface publishing using XFire.

Also, the j2ee webapp modules are "exploded", they comes now in different

Default - as it was till now: Proximity Webapp (Default) is J2EE Web
Application with "default" configuration that suits in almost all cases.
Default configuration offers Px Core Web Services, uses Spring MVC + Jakarta
Velocity for view-tech and DWR as AJAX engine.
Demosite - Proximity Webapp (Demosite) is similar to "default": it is J2EE
Web Application with "default" configuration that runs on Proximity demo
site. Thus, it has few restrictions, including JAR downloading from "public"
Minimal -  Proximity Webapp (Minimal) is minimal J2EE Web Application that
still have Maven Proxy functionality. To reduce it's weight, view layer uses
vanilla JSPs. Indexing is also sacrificed, together with pages that relies
on them (Search, Artifact browse). Fast and small. (on the way)
PxMaster and PxSlave - Proximity Webapp (PxMASTER and PxSLAVE) is J2EE Web
Application similar to "default" configured to act as PxMaster/PxSlave in
Proximity chain. Not usable in "every day" scenarios. Meant as "template"
for chaining setups. (on the way)

Have fun!

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