I would guess that another pom somewhere else (or possibly even not in
the source code you've got) is introducing this people.apache.org url.

Two choices to chase this down...
1. Look in the pom for maven-idea-plugin. Find the parent reference.
Go to that pom, check its parent. Rinse and repeat until eventually
you find all the relevant poms and one of them probably has the
people.apache.org reference.

2. Grep the Maven source code you've downloaded for
"people.apache.org". Then grep your Maven install directory and your
Maven local cache for this same url. I imagine you'll find it.

Sorry I can't be more specific ("oh you need to edit file
x/y/z/pom.xml"). Perhaps someone else can comment on this specific


On 8/30/06, Dave Hoffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here is a current example of the problem I have with the deploy goal.  I
am trying to deploy a current build of the maven-idea-plugin.

- I have checked out the entire maven source.
- At .\plugins\maven-idea-plugin I can install fine (but need to deploy
to our repo.
- I then edit .\plugins\maven-idea-plugin\pom.xml to be version
- I then search for the pom file that has the distributionManagement
repository/snapshotRepository entries.  It looks like the only pom that
has this is .\pom\asf\pom.xml.  I change these to use our local repo.

When I run mvn deploy I get:

[INFO] [jar:jar]
[INFO] Building jar:
[INFO] [plugin:addPluginArtifactMetadata]
[INFO] [install:install]
[INFO] Installing
in-2.0.1-beta20060830.jar to C:\Documents and
[INFO] [plugin:updateRegistry]
[INFO] [deploy:deploy]
The authenticity of host 'people.apache.org' can't be established.
DSA key fingerprint is 79:7c:cb:6a:44:47:b2:ef:5c:66:28:d7:40:0d:b1:f9.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting? (yes/no): no
[INFO] Error deploying artifact: Authentication failed: Cannot connect.
reject HostKey: people.apache.org

Why does it want to connect to 'people.apache.org'?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Hoffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:49 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: Can't release due to SNAPSHOT dependencies


...just to clarify.

In order to deploy to my corporate repo I would have to edit the pom
files to deploy to my corporate repo instead of the real one.  With some
large projects, i.e. maven plugins I have had trouble making the
necessary pom changes (lots of parent poms) to get the deploy to work.

However, if this is the suggested approach I will try it again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 12:21 PM
To: users
Subject: RE: Can't release due to SNAPSHOT dependencies


That makes a lot of sense...

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:12 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Can't release due to SNAPSHOT dependencies

We've talked about this before on the list, and this is the generally
suggested approach...

Download the code for the plugin(s) from SVN/CVS.
Increment the version number to a fixed/released number, build,
install locally and deploy to your corporate repo (if you have one) or
provide it to your coworkers some other way.
Update your pom to reflect the new plugin version number.

Generally I would suggest you incorporate a timestamp into the build
number ie maven-war-plugin 2.1.20060830 just to keep it clear that
this is not necessarily a real release.

Make sure you understand the artifact version system before picking a
build number, or else you could easily end up with a situation where
the "official" plugin releases a new version but your internal plugin
is still considered "newer" ie if a plugin last released 2.0.5 and is
currently releasing 2.1-SNAPSHOT, you might want to tag yours as 2.0.6
or -- if you tag it as 2.1, then you won't get the "real" 2.1
release when it is final. (Of course, if the plugin release 2.0.6 then
you'll get a collision there too...)


On 8/30/06, Douglas Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using some snapshot plugins so it won't let me release.
> I can understand not wanting to release because of a dependency on
> or library snapshots, but for I don't have any issues with releasing
> something that is dependent on a snapshot of a tool, like cargo.
> Is there a way around this?

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