It seems to be related to
The problem seems to be in these lines (90->97)

         <j:if test="${context.getVariable('maven.aspectj.src.argfilesOnly')
!= 'true'}">
           <ant:path refid="${sourcePathRefid}"/>
         <j:if test="${aspectSourcesPresent and weaveAspectSources}">
           <ant:pathelement location="${}"/>

if maven.aspectj.weaveAspectSources = true and isn't defined I think that basedir is used
(which is a bad behaviour I think)


On 9/1/06, Nicolas De Loof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've just added maven-aspectj-plugin to my project.
When I run maven aspectj:compile, all my project directory is copied
into target/classes*

If I set maven.aspectj.weaveAspectSources = false, I works fine.

Setting <aspectSourceDirectory> in my POM also solves this issue. It
seems maven 1.1-beta-3 considers not set aspectSourceDirectory to be
${basedir}. Is this a known bug ?



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