Rémy Sanlaville a écrit :

> Any ideas for the point (1)
> (1) I don't find too much documentation that explain the scm section.
>     Don't you have a link ?


Nice, but i found any references that explain the scm section in the
pom.xmland particularly the developerConnection node and how to manage
it if you
have several developer.

if you have one or several developer, the scm url is the same is you don't put a username in it. It isn't necessary with svn because username/password. If you want to add a username different for each developper in scm url, you can user a property like ${username} and you define it in your settings.xml

Else I tried the maven-changelog-plugin. It's very nice.
I don't know if it is normal but I noticed
 - If I want to regenerate change log reports (because I changed the
configuration...), I need to clean the project before else the reports is
not update.

it isn't updated so the connection to the scm is saved.
In my opinion, using a clean build is a good practice.

 - I have to add the <developers> section in my pom for the Developer
Activity Report else this report is empty.

developers are necessary, because we use them in the 3 reports of changelog plugin. But instead of an empty screen, we must have a text that explain that no developers are in pom. Can you file an issue for this?


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