
I've got a strange problem and I'd like to know if it's a known bug or if I
made a mistake when I configure my settings.xml or when I configure

In fact, if I deploy a library in snapshot with maven2 and if I use this
library in a project on the same machine, then I use my new snapshot
library. So, in this case, it works correctly.

But if on another machine, I try to compile the same project, the snapshot
deployed is not downloaded (metadata files seems to be updated but not jar
files). Instead of this, the older snapshot (from the local repository) is

Has anyone has got the same problem ?

Here is a part of my settings.xml :

<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";
         xmlns:xsi=" http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";


           <name>central (CORP mirror)</name>
           <url> http://martinique:8181/proximity/repository</url>
           <name>central snapshot (CORP mirror)</name>
           <mirrorOf> apache.snapshots</mirrorOf>
           <name>codehaus (CORP mirror)</name>
           <url> http://martinique:8181/proximity/repository</url>
           <name>codehaus snapshot (CORP mirror)</name>
           <url>http://martinique:8181/proximity/repository </url>

                   <name>Repository CORP (maven1)</name>
                   <name>Repository CORP (maven1-snapshot)</name>
                   <name>Repository CORP snapshot</name>
                   <name>Repository CORP plugin</name>
                   <name>Repository CORP (maven1)</name>
                   <name>Repository CORP (maven1-snapshot)</name>

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