Actually, when I clicked the mailing lists, I got a broken page link and
assumed it was actually broken, when it was probably just my internet
connection hiccuping .  That was my mistake, but you clearly don't think
it's likely to get good results.
I will try anyway, and at the risk of the wrath of the list members, I'll
cross-post onto the dev lists.


On 9/14/06, Beyer,Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I assume you've tried emailing the wagon-dev list. There's very little
traffic there, so no response there wouldn't be too surprising. I would
suggest emailing the maven-dev list and discussing it there. In general,
emailing individual contributors and committers won't get you very far.
All design and development must be discussed via the dev lists, IRC and
other public avenues.

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