> What Continuum does (with help of scm-local) is to copy all files from
> Z:\VOB\some\where to D:\continuum-work\99 before running the build. If
> someone removes an outdated class from ClearCase, it won't be on
> Z:\VOB\some\where any longer. 

Is there a reason you can't use a snapshot view?  It deals with copying
the files to your C: drive for you, _and_ it deletes the old ones too.

> Did you manage to let Continuum operate directly on a dynamic view, in my
> example on Z:\VOB\some\where, without copying to a working directory?
> Probably you are only talking about Maven stand-alone usage. Then, I
> agree, it is no problem, as long as you are running the clean goal.

I've not tried.  I've done a manual maven build on a dynamic view and it
took 43 minutes, compared to 2 minutes on my snapshot view.  Bit that's
mainly because my clearcase server is in another country, and behind a
firewall.  Don't ask! I's a latency nightnare!


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