I am not sure whether this is the only benefit, maybe in will understand it completely once I have more experience with it it looked at the source code. Unfortunately Maven2's Plugins are not documented very well.

The single artefact policy is a drawback in many ways, since we often have source codes that in fact shall result in two or more artefacts (from a technical view) or infact shall not be split up into several projects (from a management view). In fact I am not aware what the Maven2 authors intended when they introduced this policy, since it often makes sense to have more than one artefact and I don't see a large problem to introduce one more <artefact> tag in the pom or change the API of Maven to make plugins aware of more than one artefact.

But this is another discussion... ;-)



One other concern would be that in general, the EJB client generation
from the same EJB module violates Maven's principle of one artifact per
project/module.  As I understand it today, the only benefit of using it
is that it will generate a separate JAR file in the repo that can be
referenced by a client as an EJB client dependency and that you can
selectively filter out classes (bean classes, etc.) from the client jar
(but not dependencies carried over from the EJB or any of its transitive


-----Original Message-----
From: Markus KARG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 11:51 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: EJB Client JAR


thanks a lot for your answer once again. Indeed we managed to let the
ejb packager create the client jar and now understand why you have not
been using it. Actually it is scary to see all the Class-Path entries in
the client... Maybe we should file a feature request.

Thanks again

Not necessarily the maven-ejb-plugin way, but you can create a separate module for the EJB client and then add a compile dependency on the that project in your EJB project's pom. We did this to get around the fact that using the generateClient option on the maven-ejb-plugin generates a pom for the client with way too many dependencies (includes all of the EJBs dependencies) and so that we could compile the EJB in 1.5 but compile the client under 1.4.

-----Original Message-----
From: Markus KARG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 4:23 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: EJB Client JAR

Using Maven2's ejb package, I was able to create an ejb-jar from my sources.
But not I want Maven to create an "EJB Client JAR", that only contains

the interfaces, and make another JAR dependent of that "EJB Client
(by means of Class-Path: entry in MANIFEST.MF).

How to do that?

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