Frank Seidinger wrote:
Vandermi Joao da Silva wrote:
Is there some plugin for J2ME?
If that exist plugin ,is possible create a file jad to project J2me?
I see one plugin in mojo site but the URL is down.

Dear Vandermi,

I've created a j2me plugin for maven2. Actually it does excactly what your
are looking for. It preverifies your classes and creates a java descriptor
after packaging your jar. The manifest entries are generated through

The plugin is currently in the mojo-sandbox on the codehaus site. You can
find the plugins documentation at:

If you have any questions regarding the plugin, please feel free email or
post me,

Kind regards,

Frank Seidinger

Hi Frank,
I've noticed that the netbeas IDE now features some sort of a preprocessor that allows multiple jar file outputs (in order to tackle the device fragmentation issue). Can your plugin use this preprocessor (I don't know if it's a part of the standard j2me sdk)? If so how do you tackle the "one artifact per module" issue as effectually one source code base could generate more then one artifact?
Thanks, Srgjan

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