deng_ching wrote:
> Hi,
> Markus, were you able to get what Franz was saying about the relationship
> between the MavenArchiveConfiguration javadoc
> and archive configuration (for the jar plugin)? From the provided example
> in the Jar Plugin docs, specifically
> you can see that the <archive> tags (e.g. <index>, <manifest> and
> <manifestEntries>) correspond to the methods in the
> MavenArchiveConfigurarion (setIndex(), setManifest() and
> addManifestEntries() respectively).
> Thus, the addManifestSections() in the MavenArchiveConfiguration is
> equivalent to the <manifestSections> element that Hendrik specified in his
> email. For the <manifestSection> element on the other hand,
> you can take a look at the ManifestSection parameter of the
> addManifestSection(ManifestSection section) to get the elements that you
> need to set. This is basically a mapping of the methods into xml :-)
> Btw Franz, I think you got the jira issue mixed up. The jira issue you
> created should probably be for the Jar Plugin, not for the Javadoc plugin
> :-)
> Hope this helps! :-)
> Thanks,
> Deng
> Markus Karg wrote:
>> Franz,
>>>I think what Hendrik meant to say is that [1] has a link to the
>>>MavenArchiveConfiguration javadoc ([2]). And if you analyze it, it has
>>>addManifestEntries and addManifestEntry for the <manifestEntries> and
>>><manifestEntry> tags respecitvely. Thus, it is worth a try to see if
>>>addManifestSections, and addManifestSection corresponds to
>>><manifestSections> and <manifestSection>.
>>>But point well taken :-) I've created now created an issue for that ([3])
>> Is this bean-like behaviour typical to all Mvn2 Plugins in common, or an 
>> implementation specifica of this particular Plugin?
>> Markus
>> begin:vcard
>> fn:Markus KARG
>> n:KARG;Markus
>> org:QUIPSY QUALITY GmbH;Entwicklung / R & D
>> adr:;;Stuttgarter Strasse
>> 23;Pforzheim;Baden-Wuerttemberg;75179;Bundesrepublik Deutschland
>> email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> title:Staatl. gepr. Inf.
>> tel;work:+49-7231-9189-52
>> tel;fax:+49-7231-9189-59
>> note:QUIPSY(R) Entwicklung / R & D
>> x-mozilla-html:TRUE
>> url:
>> version:2.1
>> end:vcard

Good day to you, Deng,

Thanks for the correction ^_^ my bad :-P ...the correct jira issue is now in


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