
Just wonderin' if I am missing something in my pom.xml. It generates my
interface class files but if I view
inside them, not even one method is there.

Here is an excerpt of my pom.xml:

                           <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/main/java"
                           <mbeaninterface />
                           <jbossxmlservicetemplate servicefile="jboss"
destDir="${basedir}/src/main/resources" />

Here is one of the interface files that it generated:

* Generated file - Do not edit!

* MBean interface.
* @author Eduardo Dela Rosa
* @version 1.0
* @created Sep 19, 2006; 2:06:44 PM
public interface ChocolateFactoryMBean extends org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean{


If you will notice, nothing is inside the body (not one method). Considering
the fact that I have a jmx doclet
tags in my implementation code (ChocolateFactory), as example below:

    * @jmx.managed-operation
    * @return int the current count that this inventory have.
   public int getInventoryCount() {
       return this.inventory.size();

Any help is highly appreciated.


Eduardo Dela Rosa

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