On 9/18/06, Markus KARG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


please find my answer inlined.

Thanks a lot

>     This is in contrast to the version scheme told in
>     "BetterBuildsWithMaven.pdf", so does this mean that the SNAPSHOT
>     mechanism only checks for the word SNAPSHOT "somewhere" in the
>     version?
>     Actually qualifiers will lower the version number will build numbers
>     increase the version number. So is this still true when adding
>     -SNAPSHOT  AFTER  the build number as seen above?
> The numbering scheme told in BBWM is recommendation only.  however, if
> you have
> -SNAPSHOT at the end, when you deploy it to your internal repo, who ever
> depends on your snapshot artifact will pickup up the latest of your
> snapshot automatically depending
> your download policy.

So in fact -SNAPSHOT is to be set AFTER the build number but not as the
qualifier. So that particular section of BBMW is wrong then: It says
that SNAPSHOT shall be the qualifier (= BEFORE the build number). Whom
to blame for? ;-)

Mergere? :-) But as long as you understand how SNAPSHOT works, the version
scheme is not that important any more. The general practice is


    Is there some short description on how to use the release-plugin to
>     accomplish that (just a code line and a sentence what it does)?
>   http://people.apache.org/~jtolentino/maven-release-plugin/
> <http://people.apache.org/%7Ejtolentino/maven-release-plugin/> (
> ongoing review )

Great, thanks a lot! But actually there is a bug on that page I think:


It says that I have to tell the name version's name, while you say that
it automatically increases the number (what I'd like to prefer). So who
is right and whom to blame?

Join the dev list and give your comment, i think there is a jira associate
with that review.

If you trust release plugin enought ( yeah i do ;-) ), there is a batch mode
( mvn -B ) that will
trigger the plugin to auto assign values.  I would suggest you to experiment
with this plugin
to get  a hang of it.  It works!!

 basically, the release plugin validate your build, remove the
> "SNAPSHOT" out of your pom,
> tag your SCM, build and deploy the build ( your official release of
> 1.-0-beta-5), and finally increament your version and put back the
> SNAPSHOT string. ( ie 1.0-beta-6-SNAPSHOT )

Thanks so much for your kind help!
Maven is a great tool but the distributed documentation makes it hard to
get started.


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