You don't get it and I am tired of it now.

Markus KARG wrote on Thursday, September 21, 2006 7:33 AM:

>>> But it would be beneficial for you since I would change it in a way
>>> that FOP is valid for everyone, so you can remove your workarounds.
>>> Since in your case the Class-Path isn't taken into account anyways
>>> as you wrote, what have you lost?
>> Reproducability! If we deploy our final release to an app
> server that is compliant to the spec in this way, well, then
> it breaks. Now consider a we get back a bug report, the
> assigned developer checks out the version and tries to debug
> it ... and since he gets now suddenly a different FOP cannot
> reproduce the error. *THIS IS MAINTENACE NIGHTMARE*! And
> that's why a final release must never change. If we build a
> mainenance release including fop-0.20.5-mvn-1 it is obvious
> that we use a different version and that *new* version is
> supposed to fix the problem.
> If you deploy your final release to an app server that is J2EE 1.4
> compliant, then your application will break currently, due to
> the bug I
> reported. That's why I want to fix it. If your customer has this
> problem, the your support officer will look into the bug
> database before
> doing anything else first, where he will find that this is known bug
> that is to be fixed by updating the local repo of the
> customer to mirror
> the meanwhile fixed fop. What's nightmare with that? It's even better
> than setting up a test environment and let the supporter
> reconstruct the
> problem. BTW, if you are J2EE compliant, you are deploying
> EARs, which
> actually are unchanged for your and for your customers. If you change
> the FOP due to my fix, your EAR's version has definitively
> changed and
> you will see this.
>> Therefore the only way to fix the repo is to release
> something new. Andf the right thing is to have a new version
> with a jar that does not have a classpath entry in the
> manifest! If you have two artfiacts with such entries
> referencing the same dep in different version, you cannot
> even build an EAR with Maven containing both libraries.
> How do you want to hold off me from doing it? Everybody told
> me this is
> a free land and nobody controls the repo...
> Btw, please read the J2EE 1.4 + MANIFEST.MF specifications. It seems
> you're not aware of the need of correct Class-Path: settings
> to get the
> J2EE certified logo.
> Markus

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