As I said somewhere you'll have to probably rename the jars AFTER
downloading if you want them to match the manifest

On 9/21/06, Markus KARG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Actually I don't know it myself, since I am a beginner.
But there must be a Maven way to solve the problem (otherwise this would
make install:install-file totally useless, since least pre-packaged
binary are named in the correct way using "-x.y.z" versions).
I'll start another thread to ask for help on this.


Carlos Sanchez schrieb:

> ok, provide the pom, and explain the reasons in a jira, because for
> what I read till now I don't see how the heck are you gonna solve it
> in a maven way.
> On 9/20/06, Markus KARG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > When you build A you don't know anything about C-2.0.1 because it does
>> > not exist.
>> > Versions in repository explicitly define what versions the have been
>> > released against or tested with. If I release A 2.0 depending in C 2.0
>> > and then I want to say i'm compatible with C 2.0.1 I have to update
>> > myself releasing A 2.0.1, because people using A 2.0 may not be
>> > compatible with C 2.0.1 and don't want automatic change of version
>> That's what I think, too. And that's the reason, why fop-0.20.5.jar is
>> correct while the pom.xml provided is incorrect: The pom assumes later
>> versions to become dependencies, while the JAR itself doesn't include
>> versions. So a pom has to be provided that depends on version-free JAR
>> names.
>> Markus

I could give you my word as a Spaniard.
No good. I've known too many Spaniards.
                            -- The Princess Bride

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