I didn't implement DBunit in each test case because I wanted to avoid:

1.) changing each of the database related test cases to extend from a
dbunit base class (reducing my test's coupling to the framework)
2.) I only want to insert the test data once, before a run of
integration  tests -- I don't want to insert the data before *each* test
unless I have to (thus reducing the time it takes to run the integration

I want to make the database set up part of the integration tests as
external as possible to the test cases themselves, governed as part of
the build process associated with integration tests.

One quick & dirty solution:

Using JUNit 3.x,


With JUNit 4, See http://junit.sourceforge.net/doc/faq/faq.htm#organize_3

Add all your integration tests under that suite/test class.

Then in your integration test maven project, configure surefire to run
the test class containing your suite and only that one.


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