
This is the set of remaining build-related tasks that Ken and I came up

*       Set up functional testing framework using FIT/FitNesse (and
possibly Selenium)
*       Confirm that the Continuum web services command-line client is
no longer needed - it's 95% likely that we don't need it any more,
however there had also been mention of using the client to add in
projects to Continuum when branches are created, so we should confirm
this with Thomas before we consider it done
*       Test the automated Ops rollout of JBoss, Java, TortoiseSVN and
Maven (with all of the customized components necessary, e.g. the JBoss
custom server config and the Maven settings.xml) to ensure that it's
*       Are we certain that we want to stay on the MyEclipse IDE? JBoss
also has an Eclipse-based IDE, and if we're working with their
technology stack it may be useful to try out their IDE and compare it to
*       Wrapping some build processes in Ant scripts (e.g. JBoss
deployment, startup, shutdown)
*       Database versioning testing (including branching)
*       MySQL setup and configuration
*       Get the project version number showing up on the project site
*       Set up Maven-proxy or Archiva on the external-release and
external-snapshot repositories on SFDev-4
*       Change the formatting of the project site's unit test results to
match the formatting generated by Ant/CruiseControl


Ryan Slobojan

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